News: to join the conference, please check the Venue page here:
News: to get to the conference diner, all the information is available here
'CMC-Corpora 2019' is the 7th edition of an annual conference series dedicated to the collection, annotation, processing and exploitation of corpora of computer-mediated communication (CMC) and social media for research in the humanities. The conference brings together language-centered research on CMC and social media in linguistics, philologies, communication sciences, media and social sciences with research questions from the fields of corpus and computational linguistics, language technology, text technology, and machine learning.
Click here to visit the general conference series' website.
The 7th conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora will be held in Cergy-Pontoise (Paris Seine University), France, from 9-10 September 2019. It will be hosted by the Digital Humanities Institute (IDHN) of the University of Cergy-Pontoise, a federative structure created in May 2018 fostering projects that merge the computer sciences and the social sciences and humanities.